Autobiography of Pain

Time – when i was desperately aching & bleeding
Dreams of ever-lasting passion were fast receding
Soul wailed loudly,tears tried to prove extenuating
Insufferable wounds were inflicted deep,secreting
But woes-malevolent beasts,ignored spirits pleading
Sinful heart was hurled into pitfall of wails burning
Sanity was nagged into a snare for spellbound undertaking
Eyes, thrown in melting acids were continuosly lamenting
Cells of sinner broiled for adoration-selfishly conceding
Conscience faced accusations of valley of echoes curbing
Then came time – when i took delight to relish repenting
Guilt took pleasure in agony for sacrificing everything
Emotions were expelled with agonies for wrong-doing
Hope was penalized with desperation slowly creeping
Trust was imprisoned never to flee on wings of misleading
And Love was executed in silence, by pain forever alienating!